Which poem/poems do u like d most?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Treasures Of My Heart

As I look back on my life,
I think its been real good.
For you were there beside me
With every step I took

When we first met
We were drawn to each other,
Like two birds of the same feather
These are the treasures of my heart

Over the years more in love we grew
We decided to get married in a year or two.
For we loved each other more than life itself.
I thank God for you; you were heaven sent.

The treasure in my life
Which God has blessed me with
Is you my darling husband
The most precious gift.

The blessing did not stop there,
As we were both blessed this time,
With a beautiful baby boy.
Oh what joy it has been, having you I my life.

Thru all the ups and downs
We have made it thru
Thank you my love,
I could never have done it without you.

I love you now and forever
Until our time is thru.
And even then my love,
I will always be with you.

You Will Always Be My Son

You are my son, & you will always be, for you are apart of me.
No matter what you choose in life, my love will always be the same.
The day I held you close to me & looked into your eyes;
Right then I knew no one could ever take your place.

Time since then has passed & someday you will be a man,
The choices you make then, I will try to understand.
I know that there will come a time, when we would be apart.
I pray that in your busy life that I would be apart.

I know the things you would do, would give me so much pride,
But there are also things that would tear me up inside.
I always want the best for you, & and want you to succeed.
And find happiness in all you do and have all you will ever need.

I will do my best to guide you & give you a helping hand.
And hope you choose to take the path just, as God has planned.
Along life’s road my son is never every easy
Just remember my son, when times get tough you can always count on me.

Just remember life is not prefect son, it has never been.
For when you think you are all alone just know that I am there.
There will come a day, when you would leave home;
That day I would be a proud mum and tell the world, this is my son. 

Forever My Love

There is no one in this world
I love so much.
No one has ever captivated me,
With the sweet things that you say and do.
There will never be another hand
That I will hold
Except for your’s my love
Till we are both grey and old.

I Loved You

Your love was all my heart desired.
I did not know it would hurt so much.
When I seen you with someone else.
You did not realize the hurt I felt.

You went online to make new friends,
Not thinking of the time you spent;
Talking to people you did not know,
Complementing them on their looks,
For all you know they might be crooks..

It was my heart, it was my life
It was the start and end of life,
It was my heart, this strife it dies.

This decite and these lies
I’ve heard for too long
There is a time for pain & sorrow.
But for me there is no tomorrow.

I have lost the one that I love most
Over his friends that he loves the most.
My broken heart sings the saddest song.
The pain is too much to go on.
And its true I hurt you too
Remember, I loved you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Dad

Our dad was tall and his hair was grey,
He loves my mommy to this day.
And then they had the three of us
Then began all the fuss.

He worked real hard,
As he always has,
We waited for him
He was our dad.

My brothers and I we loved him so,
The measure no one will ever know.
Especially those who envied us.
For we were happy the three of us.

My mum and dad are the best in the world,
They are so precious, worth more than gold.
They took us to church; they brought us up right, 
And thought us love and not to fight.

He loved us all ever so dearly,
But was taken from us way to early,
We were still young, we did not know
We kept asking, where did he go.

Our little world was torn apart,
By people we have known.
They did not understand our pain,
And they guess they never will.

Life since then has been rather rough,
But has taught us to be tough.
We still can’t believe he’s gone,
We still look for him in-spite of it all.

The thought of not seeing him again
Fills our hearts with great pain,
But with Jesus, we will see him again,
What a wonderful, wonderful day that will be
When with my daddy I will be.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Depression is Me

I am feeling kinda down today,
For my heartache’s here to stay.
One day I am fine and down the next,
Tell me what do I do next.

I’ve tried to forget, what went wrong
But every time, it still lingers on.
Every time I hear myself say your name,
It always reminds me about that dame.

The one that tore my heart in two,
When she told you that she misses you,
What really tore my world apart?
Was that you were giving her your heart.

You told me that she was just a friend,
I trusted every word you said,
Then learnt the very next day,
That trusting you was a big mistake.

For you cared too much for someone you didn’t know
What she was doing or how her day did go.
Wanting her to call you, coz her day was not too good.
Oh Lord! I wish she never would.

Pain is all I feel today,
Not knowing what to do or say.
Talking to you isn’t the same
And that is driving me insane.

I pray that someday things will change
That you will love me just the same.
Like the time when we first met,
Those times were heaven sent. 

Broken Spirit

My life has no meaning,
It gets stranger every day,
If I could see what waits for me,
From now to eternity.

You’ve broken my heart to many times,
And now it’s beyond repair,
What made you do the things you did,
And shattered my heart yet again. 

You tell me I should trust you,
And when I really do,
You cheat again with someone else,
And break my heart in two.

I do not regret the things that I did,
I am a woman and not a kid,
I gave you my heart, my love, my all...
But my heart was shattered at the end of it all.

Each time I think of the life we had,
It kinda makes me really sad,
Wonder what made you want to stray,
I ponder on that every day.

You did not see what you were doing to me
And I am broken, sad and torn
My world once complete,
Is now all gone?

I ask myself “What the hell have I done?”
The life I knew was already gone...
For you were my all, my love, my life
For whom I would gladly give my life.

Our Son

Now as I look back over the years,
Our lives have been so blessed.
The day you came into this world,
Is the day we will never forget.

Your dad was excited and confused,
Did not know what first to do.
He wanted to hold you, for the first time,
His hands shook with excitement.

The first time he held you in his arms;
Is still so fresh in my mind.
He looked at you with much love,
That no one can divide.


What is this feelin inside of me?
Sometimes I love you most times I hate you
I can’t live with you, nor can I live without you.
Why is it I feel this way?

I long to spend time with you
Listen to your voice and hear you laugh
But is this what you call love?
Or is it merely just lust?

Can someone please tell me
Why I do the things I do
This love hate feelin is tearing me in two.
Does this mean that “I love you?”