Which poem/poems do u like d most?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Dad

Our dad was tall and his hair was grey,
He loves my mommy to this day.
And then they had the three of us
Then began all the fuss.

He worked real hard,
As he always has,
We waited for him
He was our dad.

My brothers and I we loved him so,
The measure no one will ever know.
Especially those who envied us.
For we were happy the three of us.

My mum and dad are the best in the world,
They are so precious, worth more than gold.
They took us to church; they brought us up right, 
And thought us love and not to fight.

He loved us all ever so dearly,
But was taken from us way to early,
We were still young, we did not know
We kept asking, where did he go.

Our little world was torn apart,
By people we have known.
They did not understand our pain,
And they guess they never will.

Life since then has been rather rough,
But has taught us to be tough.
We still can’t believe he’s gone,
We still look for him in-spite of it all.

The thought of not seeing him again
Fills our hearts with great pain,
But with Jesus, we will see him again,
What a wonderful, wonderful day that will be
When with my daddy I will be.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about Dad. Just know he's always got your back even when he's gone.
